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Funds Raised: $11,664.50
March 2, 2023


We are thrilled to announce a new partnership between EVA Air and the Brisbane Marathon and Sunshine Coast Marathon Festivals. As a global airline that prioritises the comfort and convenience of its travellers, EVA Air is a perfect match for two of Queensland's fastest growing Marathon Festivals.

EVA Air operates 4 weekly flights direct between Brisbane and Taipei. General Manager of EVA Air’s Australian branch, Victor Hsiao is delighted with the partnership saying “EVA Air is excited to be the Official International Airline Partner of the Brisbane and Sunshine Coast Marathon Festival’s for 2023”.

“We believe this partnership can deliver success and build a closer relationship with the Brisbane & Taipei running communities.”

EVA Air will become the 'Official International Airline Partner' of both events. The two events are poised to capitalise on the partnership that promotes the best of beautiful Brisbane city and the Sunshine Coast, two of the world's favourite holiday destinations.

The Brisbane and Sunshine Coast Marathon Festivals are supported by the Queensland Government through Tourism and Events Queensland and feature on the It’s Live! in Queensland events calendar.

As part of the partnership, the EVA Air Marathon in Taipei, Taiwan will work to complement the Brisbane & Sunshine Coast Marathons, providing runners with the opportunity to participate in world-class races in three amazing destinations.

With EVA Air's direct flights from Brisbane to Taiwan, it's easier than ever to travel and run your way around the world said Jason Crowther, Atlas Events Director. We are confident that this partnership will bring new opportunities and experiences to all of our runners, and we can't wait to see EVA Air traveller’s race in Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast , Taipei and enjoy these amazing running experiences.


EVA Air, Taiwan’s leading independent airline, was formed in 1989 and is a Star Alliance member. EVA Air is part of the respected Evergreen Group and a sister company to global container-shipping leader Evergreen Line.

Over more than 30 years of operating international passenger and airfreight flights, EVA has earned a reputation for excellence in its services and safety practices.

Serving Brisbane for almost 30 years and offering flights to and from the Queensland Capital 4 days per week.  EVA Air flies to more than 60 international destinations throughout Asia, Oceania, North America and Europe.

For more information visit, or contact EVA Air Australia branch on +617 3860-5555.

To celebrate the partnership, participants at the Brisbane Marathon & Sunshine Coast Marathon will automatically go in the running to win Flights and race entry to compete in the 2023 EVA Air Marathon.


Event Partners


BEAT THE PRICE INCREASE! Super Early Bird pricing ends midnight Tuesday 1st April!

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