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Funds Raised: $9,557.05

Park N Ride Shuttle Bus


Discover the convenience of the Park N Ride Shuttle Bus at Kuluin and Buderim.

Say goodbye to the stress of finding a parking spot and enjoy a hassle-free commute with this reliable shuttle service. Safe and secure parking with regular shuttle buses that whisk you directly to the event.

You must pre-book, no tickets available on the day. Tickets are $10 per person (15 & under are free). All proceeds donated to our major beneficiary Ronald McDonald House Charities.

OptionLocationDrop Off PointBookings
KuluinMaroochydore Football Club
462 Maroochydore Rd Kuluin
200mBookings Opening Soon
BuderimSyd Lingard Dr, Buderim200mBookings Opening Soon

Kuluin Park N Ride

Kuluin Parking

Buderim Park N Ride

Buderim Parking

Park N Ride drop off

Event Partners


2025 Super Early Bird entries now open!

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